Assignment 1: Program Evaluation Proposal
For the Program Evaluation Proposal, the student is required to submit a document that includes the framework the student could use to evaluate a specific program or project. The paper requires each student to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of program evaluation designs and methods, as presented in the readings and class discussion.
The program or project that the student writes a proposal about MUST be one in which they recently were employed or volunteered with.
Students are reminded that the paper is not a group activity, but is considered an individual assignment and must clearly not use plagiarism. (See Academic Honesty section, below). Scholarly sources should be used. Thus, the use of Wikipedia and the assigned texts as sources of information are prohibited.
Assignment 1 asks for each student to submit a program evaluation plan which could serve as a guide for the design and analysis of an existing program or project. Assignment 1 will be submitted in sections, which will be completed throughout the term.
Each student is also required to integrate knowledge gained during class discussion and from reading the textbook. The proposal must explicitly integrate concepts, theories, and/or approaches described in the textbook.
This proposal must be double spaced, use the Times [New] Roman font, with a font size of 12, and be written in APA format. Each page should use a 1 inch margin all around (i.e., on the left, right, top, and bottom of the page.) Pages should be numbered.
Section 1. Purpose, goals and objectives of program that will be evaluated (15 points).
Please address the following questions. You can use the following bullets as subheadings for your paper.
• What is the title, location, mission, goals, and objectives of the program/project?
• What is the structure and context of the program/project?
• Who are the program’s stakeholders?
Section 1 should be a minimum of 3 double spaced pages. (Note: The cover page and work cited page do not count towards the minimum paper length requirement).