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Forum Reply 1: 150 words with reference. Professional and Critical reply.

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Among other things, this video talks about unintended consequences of technology including social media. What does it say about social media ? Can we do anything about addressing these unintended consequences? And what is your answer to his final question: How human are you?


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This video highlights through humor and insight what social media has done to us as a society, for better or worse. Social media has grown so much over the years that it has essentially become our lives. We use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Messenger, in almost every facet of our lives whether it’s through business or personal use. It’s safe to say that from here on out, it’ll only grow more and more as the years go by.

In the video above, A funny look at the unintended consequences of technology, Chuck Nice asks “are we more connected? or are we more connected to our devices?” (C. Nice, TED). This is an interesting question, because in a way, social media has brought us together, and yet has distanced us more than ever over the years. For example, I myself have over 1,000 friends on my Facebook account. That’s not me trying to brag at all, just stating a fact. Many of these people I’ve sent friend requests to over mutual friends and meetups, whether it was in high school, college, or the Air Force. And I promise you this, out of those 1,000+ friends, I only interact regularly with about 5-8 of them. Some others contact me out of the blue from time to time, but the rest I could go the rest of my life of never interacting with again and I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. Why? Probably because of the fear and dread that the social awkwardness and anxiety it would create if I just, out of the blue, reach out to some guy in my friend list that I had a crush on back in high school.

That being said, I can also see where people are coming from when they say social media creates more isolation and anxiety than it does with bringing them together. I can see this being an issue especially with younger people, especially kids. Millennials, such as myself, grew up in the area of social media in its infancy. I remember when I was 12 or 13 thinking that if you had the first iPhone, then you must be incredibly rich an/or important. Now almost being 26, it’s pretty much nonexistent for someone to not have a smartphone, otherwise how’re you going to survive and stay connected? Which may cause many in my generation to feel lonely, isolated, and in need of staying connected in order to stay relevant and get the gratification that we so desire. In the article, Anxiety, lonelieness and Fear of Missing Out: The impact of social media on young people’s health, the author states that social media “affects around 5% of young people, and was recently described as more addictive than alcohol or cigarettes”. (R. Edmonds Anxiety, loneliness and Fear of  Missing Out). He also states that “the urge to check one’s social media may be linked to both instant gratification (the need to experience fast, short-term pleasure) and dopamine production (the chemical in the brain associated with reward and pleasure)”. (R. Edmonds Anxiety, loneliness and Fear of Missing Out.  And lastly, he concludes that through the evidence that he’s found that social media is multifaceted, and while it has good to it, it can also be quite damaging, especially for youth.

In conclusion on my part, I would have to agree with both Chuck Nice and the author of the article I found, in that social media is complex at its core. It’s easy to say that social media is bad, and it distances us more than ever. And yet, the very same people who’ll say that will most likely go on Instagram right after they make that spiel. Yes, I do agree that social media, in a lot of aspects. can be very damaging to a lot of people. Cyber bullying seems to be the new way in attacking others online, as many of the actors in the new Star Wars Trilogy will tell you that. And yet, for all its bad, social media also brought me and my now boyfriend together some 10 months ago. Social media allows me to keep updated and get advice from my two best friends in the Air Force since it’s so rare when the three of us get together. And its through video chats that I can stay in contact with my family as much as possible since I’m no longer an active part of their lives ever since I joined. In conclusion, it’s up to you how you want to view social media and whether it has a positive or negative impact on your life. Either way, it’s up to you on how human you choose to be.


Nice, C. (2018). TED: A Funny Look at the Unintended Consequences of Technology. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQigUH0vZSE&feature=emb_logo

Edmonds, R. Centre for Mental Health. Anxiety, loneliness and Fear of Missing Out: The Impact of Social Media on Young People’s Mental Health. Retrieved from https://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/blog/centre-mental-health-blog/anxiety-loneliness-fear-missing-out-social-media

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Forum Reply 2: 150 words with reference. Professional and Critical reply.

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What are the value of Security Plans, Policies, Procedures, and Models? (What is the purpose or values of each and how do they relate to each other)

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When studying Network and infrastructure a phrase are often repeated, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. Business Continuity/ Disaster Recovery involves dealing with adversity that will cause daily operations to halt or slow to a crawl. Like in a case where a department can’t adequately access their main resource to the worse possible scenario, an entire Network being shutdown. The idea is to have a plan in place to deal with any form of a disaster be it natural or cyber-related. This means having a disaster recovery team in place, doing risk analysis, assessing business impact, creating a recovery plan, then testing and documenting events related to the plan. Beyond the technical requirements of disaster recovery, there is also the human element to consider. It is important to know the individuals to contact, notifying the impacted users, involving stakeholders and project managers on the recovery details. A responsible management team would move in a transparent fashion, ensuring all people involved in the recovery and impacted users have as much information as possible.

Dunkerly, D. & Samuelle, T. J. (2014). Mike Myers Certification Passport. 4th ed. McGraw Hill. P. 82 – 98.

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