Discussion—Process Design

Differing strategies and business models deliver products and services, using diverse operating strategies and models. These varied operating models reflect optimal solutions tailored to the uniqueness of those industries, products, and customers.

An effective operating strategy links product/services decisions with investment, market share, and product/service life cycle and defines the breadth of the product line/service. Its main goal is to meet the demands of the marketplace with a competitive advantage. A successful outcome of this process can result in the formation of seemingly unique businesses by combining tools and techniques that are widely available in a very peculiar and unique way.

Using the module readings,  University online library resources, and the Internet, research these tools and techniques. Based on your research respond to the following:

  • What are the various process strategies, and under what circumstances are they best used?
  • Which strategies are used in your business or a business you would like to work in? What process analysis and design tools are used? For example, a matrix may be a valuable tool for most businesses.

Write your initial response in approximately 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Appropriately explained the application of at least two process strategies and showed in-depth analysis of business environment.
Analyzed the selected business to identify the process strategies, process analysis, and design tools used.

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