Process Analytics Simulation Details

Students experiment with assembly process models and configure an efficient production environment. The simulation explores concepts in process analysis through a series of simulation models and related problem sets.

The Story

Students work with process models over time in this series of problems dealing with production environments. While experimenting, students can monitor throughput, cycle times, production capacity, and utilization rates. Students add workers or set task times to improve yield.

Learning Focus

·         Develop intuition around core operations management concepts

·         Investigate fundamental concepts of process analysis

·         Facilitate discussion around the interplay between various elements of process analytics

Topics Covered

·         Operations Management

·         Capacity Management

·         Inventory Management



Welcome to the Process Analytics Simulation


This application will let you experiment with process models by simulating them over time, or calculating them analytically.




As you go through the exercises, please note the following definitions of terms that  may be used.



Cycle time for a production line is the time between successive (finished product) units coming off the end of the line.


Throughput time is the minimum time it takes one unit to go from the beginning to the end of the line.


Capacity is the number of units finished in a specified time (here, an hour).


Utilization for a workstation is the fraction of time that the workstation is busy, i.e., time actually working ÷ time available

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