Project: APA format


· Some background information: You recently published a highly successful book on global leadership that has received an enthusiastic reception in both academic and practitioner circles. Congratulations! As a result of the success of your book, you have been inundated with invitations to speak at conferences and seminars. This has presented you with opportunities to influence the global debate on leadership issues, and from a Christian perspective. One of the speaking engagements you accepted is to present at a prestigious global conference on leadership with a speech in the form of a position paper titled “The global organization in the future: How global leaders can actively shape the future by their present actions and choices.”

·This is a speech in the form of a position paper that you will prepare for presentation at the international conference on leadership using the assigned reading and other sources. The speech should be 1200 words (±10% excluding abstract and references) to outline the main points of your presentation. Include organizational leadership and biblical worldview concepts within a global perspective as you seek to persuade an audience of your peers.

· Show understanding of strategic thinking, a global future, and driving forces topics

· Show understanding of cause-effect relationships between concepts and outcomes

· Show integration of organizational leadership and biblical worldview

How to Write a Position Paper 
The purpose of a position paper is to generate support on an issue. It describes a position on an issue and the rational for that position. The position paper is based on facts that provide a solid foundation for your argument. 1 In the position paper you should: 
• Use evidence to support your position, such as statistical evidence or dates and events. • Validate your position with authoritative references or primary source quotations. • Examine the strengths and weaknesses of your position. • Evaluate possible solutions and suggest courses of action. 
Choose an issue where there is a clear division of opinion and which is arguable with facts and inductive reasoning. You may choose an issue on which you have already formed an opinion. However, in writing about this issue you must examine your opinion of the issue critically.2 Prior to writing your position paper, define and limit your issue carefully. Social issues are complex with multiple solutions. Narrow the topic of your position paper to something that is manageable. Research your issue thoroughly, consulting experts and obtaining primary documents. Consider feasibility, cost-effectiveness and political/social climate when evaluating possible solutions and courses of action.3 The following structure is typical of a position paper: 
• An introduction • Identification of the issue • Statement of the position • The body • Background information • Supporting evidence or facts • A discussion of both sides of the issue • A conclusion • Suggested courses of action • Possible solutions 
The introduction should clearly identify the issue and state the author’s position. It should be written in a way that catches the reader’s attention. 
The body of the position paper may contain several paragraphs. Each paragraph should present an idea or main concept that clarifies a portion of the position statement and is supported by evidence or facts. Evidence can be primary source quotations, statistical data, interviews with experts, and indisputable dates or events. Evidence should lead, through inductive reasoning, to the main concept or idea presented in the paragraph. The body may begin with some background information and should incorporate a discussion of both sides of the issue. 
The conclusion should summarize the main concepts and ideas and reinforce, without repeating, the introduction or body of the paper. It could include suggested courses of action and possible solutions.4

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