In this assignment you will prepare a report, using a business you have access to, or that you approach, or that you will research in depth undertake the following: a) Detail the nature of the OM issue that is occurring in the business. This will require detailing its process(es) and policies. You will also quantify the problems in business terms. You can pick any OM topic (look at the list of topics in the Program Calendar in Unit Outline for this unit). If you are working in a service business you can still consider many aspects including service quality. You will provide a report on the details of this issue. You will write this report to effectively engage senior management in the business. b) For the issue you are working on you will design a way to address (reduce the impact or avoid) the issue(s). You will clearly outline the improvements (new processes, policies, technologies, etc.) in terms of OM concepts and initiatives, include a mechanism to implement them, and outline the
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