For this assignment, prepare a PowerPoint presentation to train mid-level   managers in your organization. The focus is to help the managers design an   effective training process for employees in their department.

This presentation should simulate an actual presentation that will be   delivered to the managers. You must utilize the slide notes function in   PowerPoint to add speaker notes to each slide; these notes should be used in   order to explain or expand on slide content as if you were actually presenting   this to your audience. Alternatively, you may add audio to the slides, but if   you do so, you will need to provide a transcript of your audio in a separate   Word document and upload it in Blackboard in addition to the PowerPoint   file.

Include (at a minimum) the points below in your training delivery.

  • Include an overview of the training.
  • In conducting a needs analysis, what are the steps?
  • What is the content of the training?
  • How are trainer(s) selected?
  • Identify two organizational objectives.
  • Identify two training objectives.
  • Identify who is the target audience for the training. What are their      learning styles?
  • Evaluate training models. Which one would you select, and why?
  • Compare and contrast different training methods.
  • Connect the training methods to learning styles.
  • How will the effectiveness of the training be evaluated, and why is      evaluation critical?
  • How should managers ensure transfer of training?

At the end of the PowerPoint presentation, you must have one slide with five   evaluation questions to determine the effectiveness of your training.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 15 slides in length, not   counting the title or reference slides. As aforementioned, you must add slide   notes or audio to the slides.

You must use at least four sources to support your presentation. Adhere to APA Style when creating   citations and references for this assignment.

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In response to appeal for recognition by the Republic of Star, a number of existing states including some powerful ones, which are permanent members of the UN Security Council. Indeed, five of such existing states have rendered their full diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Star which has actively been engaged in a bloody civil war with its parent state, as the parent state sought to suppress the secessionist bid. In this civil war however the liberation army of the Republic of Star has suffered a military defeat. And the Republic of Star, after surviving for ten years with formal recognition from five states and informal recognition from others, is now eventually reabsorbed with its parent state. The Republic of Star no longer exists as a state in international law. The situation of the Independent State of Moon appears to be somewhat different. Instead of waging a civil war, its parent state opted to launch a diplomatic campaign against the UDI of Moon and managed to persuade the world community and its forum, the UN, not to recognise the situation generated by the UDI of Moon. The response of the international community and UN members was overwhelming. The entire international community of states and the UN did not recognize the UDI of Moon. Even the UN General Assembly and the Security Council went further by adopting a series of resolutions condemning the UDI of Moon and calling upon UN members not to recognize the so-called Independent State of Moon. Thus the Independent State of Moon remains universally unrecognised but continues to survive and operate as an entity with all features of statehood independent of its parent state

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