
Finding, organizing, appraising, and synthesizing evidence are all essential skills that scholar-practitioners must master. An excellent tool to facilitate these tasks is an evidence table, which enables you to capture and summarize key information from multiple sources and serves as a concise and well-organized overview of the literature.

Becoming familiar with the evidence table and its use now will prove invaluable as you progress through your program and begin working on your doctoral capstone project. Using the evidence table to document and analyze the evidence you’ve gathered in a literature search will enable you to develop a coherent synthesis of your findings.


Compile the peer-reviewed studies you’ve collected over the past five weeks as you’ve researched organizational challenges that present opportunities for evidence-based improvement.


Analyze the peer-reviewed research studies you’ve collected and add key information to the Evidence Table [XLSX]. Then, critically appraise three of the studies and synthesize your findings.

Unused columns on the worksheet can be hidden from view. This five-minute video shows you how to hide and unhide columns in an Excel worksheet.

  • Henderson, K. (2018). Deleting and hiding Excel 2016 data [Video]. Skillsoft.


The assignment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  • Analyze each peer-reviewed research study.
    • At a minimum, add the following information to your evidence table:
      • APA Source Reference.
      • Aim, Hypothesis, or Research Question.
      • Research Design/Methodology.
      • Measurement Method.
      • Sample Population or Setting.
      • Research Variables.
      • Data Analysis.
      • Findings.
  • Critically appraise each peer-reviewed study.
    • Address each study’s methodology, research questions, theoretical basis, findings, and possible application.
    • Do not accept articles at face value.
  • Synthesize the findings from your analysis and critical appraisal of the studies.
    • Explain how these sources relate to one another.
      • Identify commonalities and differences in research questions, methodologies, and findings.
      • Consider both supporting and opposing points of view.
  • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.

Portfolio Prompt: Save your evidence table to your ePortfolio. You’ll keep adding sources used on an approved topic and updating the table as you progress through your keystone and capstone courses.


Your Work will be evaluated using this criteria.


Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Synthesize research evidence to substantiate health care or public health challenges specific to an organization and population.
    • Synthesize the findings from an analysis and critical appraisal of multiple research studies.
  • Competency 3: Critically review organizational challenges as opportunities for evidence-based improvement appropriate for a doctoral capstone project.
    • Analyze peer-reviewed research studies.
    • Critically appraise peer-reviewed research studies.
  • Competency 6: Produce written work that demonstrates critical thinking and application of knowledge, in accordance with Capella’s writing standards.
    • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references

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