Terminology. Please match each item on the left with the best item on the right.


1. Brick and mortar                                 a. A well-known ERP system

2. Computer network                              b. Another name for “old economy” organizations

3. Financial management                      c. Associated with G2C and G2B e-commerce

4. Hershey                                             d. B2C e-commerce example

5. Human resource management          e. ERP module associated with employees

6. Internal Revenue Service                  f. Had a “not so sweet” experience with ERP

7. Multisite issues                                  g. Module in an ERP system associated with


8. Online banking                                  h. Need to be resolved for a successful ERP project

9. PeopleSoft                                         i. Technology underlying ERP

10. Relational database                         j. The salient feature of e-business

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