1.   Framing the discussions within this book is the proposition that behavior at a particular time and in a particular place is the outcome of the intersections of the cultures most salient to the person and most relevant to the situation. Consider, for example, what classroom behaviors might be similar and different between a working-class 30-year-old Italian American heterosexual male graduate student and an affluent 30-year-old gay African American graduate student studying psychology at the same elite university? What behaviors will be similar and different between a heterosexual Native American 40-year-old woman clinical psychologist and a 60-year-old bisexual Jewish American woman clinician in conversation with the same patient? And how differently or similarly will they respond to a 20-year-old and an elder within the same tribe, each of whom presents the same symptoms of depression?


2.  a. Please provide (create) your personal definition of Race and Racism

b. Please provide examples of Racism and discuss the impact that it has on society and on a personal level…

3.   Please discuss and define cross-cultural psychology.  Why is this concept important in the field of psychology?

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