Philanthropy Project Benchmark

Part 2

The Non-Profits Organization that you are going to use is:

ROGER WILLIAMS PARK ZOO in Rhode Island (Here is the link for that Zoo, you can also find this zoo in many news and information for non-profit title, search RI Roger william Zoo Non-Profit, you can find a lot of it)

You must answer the following questions in Part 2 :

· Does your organization have an annual fund?

(You can Find it online, you need to have answer for this one)

· Does your organization have a capital campaign? What improvements are they looking to make with this capital campaign?

(You can also find this online, write detail for this one)

· Are there any special event fundraisers that take place throughout the year? If so, what are they, when do they occur, and have they been successful?

(Can be finded online, also detail for this one)

· If they do not currently have a special event fundraiser, what events do you think  could  take place in order to raise funds?

· Discuss, in full, any grants that the organization has received in the past or will do so in the future.

(Research it and find one to write)

· Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has effected fund raising efforts for the organization.

(You can find COVID-19 information by typing RI Roger William Zoo COVID-19, when you find it just write what you saw and made up some)


Your essay should be 2 full pages.

You are expected to use in-text references and provide a reference list at the end of your essay.

Your essay must be typed (double spaced). Please use 12 point Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins.

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