Part A Terminology

  1. In your own words, provide definitions for these terms
  2. Strategic alliance
  3. Accountability
  4. Conflict of interest
  5. Policy
  6. Power of Attorney



Part B Short answer questions

It is anticipated, other than questions requiring completion of a table or where a word count has been indicated, all other answers in Part B should have a word count of approximately 100 words

  1. Complete the table below by providing examples of how you uphold the client’s rights in your organisation or service
Right How do you uphold this right for clients in your workplace?
Right to freedom of speech  
Right to privacy  
Right to confidentiality  
Right to equality  
Right to choice sexual preference  
Right to protection  
  1. Describe the steps involved in the community consultation and decision-making processes
  2. Provide an explanation and an example for each of these advocacy support strategies
Advocacy Strategy Explanation and example
Negotiation Explanation  
Meeting Explanation  
Electronic campaigning Explanation  
Representation Explanation  
Lobbying Explanation  
Court, tribunal or hearing Explanation  
Petitions Explanation  
  1. List 6 different circumstances in which an advocate may be involved in a representative role
  2. Explain the criteria you use to determine success of your role as an advocate for your client? Provide examples to support your answer.  (Word count of approximately 200 words)
  3. Provide an example of conflicts that have arisen when you have been involved in collaborative planning and action to support your client. What strategies did you use to address and resolve the conflict?
  4. For your service/organisation what documentation is used to report outcomes against agreed objectives and priorities?
  5. What is the role of an ombudsman in providing advocacy support?
  6. What is the difference between guardianship and advocacy? How does these differ for people under the age of 18 years?
  7. What is the difference between individual advocacy and group advocacy and their processes?

Part C Pamphlet

  1. You are to develop a two page, (2 or 3 fold) pamphlet for use at your service or organisation to provide information to your clients and promote advocacy. You are to include information using the following.
  • What is Advocacy (Description of advocacy)
  • Why might I need to use Advocacy? (Considerations for which they may need an advocacy – legal and ethical considerations)
  • Types of advocacy
  • What can advocacy do for me? (Functions of advocacy I including individual and group advocacy)
  • Cost of services
  • Eligibility for advocacy services
  • List of advocacy support services in the region and/or state

Part D Essay

  1. People with disabilities and old people should have either their family or someone where they live make decisions for them, because they don’t always consider the impact their decisions have on other people.”

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Give reasons for your decision.


Word count of approximately 700 – 1000 words is expected.  You must include referencing within your essay and a written APA style bibliography to acknowledge sources.

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