The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 (section titled “Subtitle D”) identifies requirements relating to provider compliance with fraud, waste, and abuse laws. Identify three measures that your health care organization ((or health care organizations in general) has initiated, or could initiate, to comply with these measures. Support your analysis with a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles.

Health care organizations continually face challenges from various regulatory and government agencies, and are also bound by Managed Care Organization (MCO) standards. View the video “College of Nursing and Health Care Professions: Do we know what our future is?” for insight into the challenges of health care reform. Based on the video, describe, with rationale, two key factors that you feel will need to be addressed by future health care workers and health care leaders. (Note: you can download slides from this video within the media piece itself for ease of review in developing your forum response).
Additionally, what role does adherence to MCO standards play in your future health care vision?


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