Overview: In Assignment 1, students are expected to demonstrate their level of understanding and skill attained through practicing the workshops from week 2-4. The assignment has two parts (Part A: 14%, Part B: 16%). Environment Setup: You need to use the AWS Educate classroom account created for you for assignments. You need to use AWS SDK v2.5 of both S3 and DynamoDB for completing this assignment. Other version of the SDK will not be accepted. Part A (14%): Create a Java app using maven in Cloud9 to first create and then read an S3 object. Tasks ? Create an empty S3 bucket named your_SCU_user_name-a1-s3bucket (e.g., pchakrab15-a1- s3bucket). Update the Block public access and the Bucket Policy, so that the bucket objects are publicly accessible. ? Create an app named your_SCU_usernamea1s3app (e.g., pchakrab15a1s3app) in Cloud9 with maven using appropriate commands shown in workshop. You need to use two separate methods to implement the following features. o Create a .json object containing the following JSON data stream into the newly created empty S3 bucket. [{“name”: “A”, “age”: 25, “city”: “Gold Coast”}, {“name”: “B”, “age”: 56, “city”: “Brisbane”}, {“name”: “D”, “age”: 12, “city”: “Melbourne”}, {“name”: “Z”, “age”: 19, “city”: “Sydney”}] o Read the content within the .json object (just created in the step before) and save the content into another local (in-app) .txt object. ? Find and note down the Object URL of the bucket object your app have created during testing by clicking the object. ? Use appropriate exception handling and detailed comments in your code. NOTE: Do not delete the bucket, bucket object your program has created, and the command history, as the marker will check your program against that.

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