• Based on the lecture and Webtext materials, address ONE of the following:
  • 1) Outline the most significant obstacles to obtaining an education in developing countries. Suggest at least two (2) reasons why education should be a priority in the developing world. Next, propose significant overall strategies – aside from building more schools – that those in leadership positions in developing countries may use in order to help their people escape poverty through education. 
2) Addressing the issue of education and how we see the connection to education and to inequality, we need to help with the way that we see inequality around the world, as shared by the Millennium Development Goals, Achieve Primary Education.

So, check out this Website here: 

  • http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ 
  • Looking at the website above, and the link to “Achieve Primary Education” within the Millennium Development Goals, we can see the importance of education. What do you think we can do to try to help navigate and to change the current dynamic of education and gender, and the inequalities in educational attainment that exist around the world? Share an example of One or Two countries that do not currently have equality with regards to primary education.

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