The product roadmap is a high-level view of the product requirements needed to achieve the product vision. A product roadmap outlines the goals, milestones, and deliverables for a product in development.
The product Roadmap enables a project team to outline a general timeframe for when you will develop and release those requirements. The product roadmap is a first cut and high-level view of the product backlog and user stories.
Roadmaps are essential for coordinating the product development process to ensure that ongoing day-to-day tasks align with and contribute to project goals.
The Product Roadmap include:
The Product Vision: The product vision statement is an elevator pitch, or a quick summary, to communicate how your product supports/addresses your client’s goals. The vision statement must articulate the goals for the product.
Product Backlog: The full list of what is in the scope for your project, ordered by priority. After you have your first requirement, you have a product backlog.
Revised User Stories: a clear identification of the project requirements and objectives. Acceptance criteria for user stories should also be included.
Product Schedule: goals, milestones, and deliverables for a product in development.
The Product Roadmap MUST be approved by the client and project supervisor. You lose marks if not approved/assessed by client and supervisor.

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