Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code: MBA503 Subject Name: Operations Management and Decision-Making Models Assessment Title: Assessment 3 – Video Assessment Type: Video Presentation Length:

5-7 Minutes (+/-10%)

Weighting: 40 % Total Marks: 40 Submission: VIMEO Due Date: 23.55 pm Monday, Week 13

Your Task You are required to select a crisis experienced by an organisation to use as a case study. You imagine you are an expert consultant who works with companies to improve their decision- making processes. You are asked by a company which has recently experienced a crisis to review the decision-making processes it employed and recommend ways in which it can improve in the future. In your video presenting your findings to the board of the company. Assessment Description An organisational crisis is a significant, essentially unexpected event which threatens the company’s reputation, financial standing and/or ability to operate. Examples of organisational crises include; natural disasters, security breaches, fraud, product recalls and environmental spills. Your lecturer needs to approve your choice of organisational crisis before you proceed. In your video, you provide a short overview of the crisis and then specifically address the following three questions below: 1) What decision-making models or approaches were used by the company when managing this

crisis? In answering this question refer at least 1 (one) decision-making model which could have been followed.

2) Identify on a minimum of 2 (two) decision-making biases or errors might have influenced the decisions made. What could have been the impact of these biases or errors?

3) Make a minimum of 2 (two) recommendations regarding the strategies that could be put in place, in the future, to avoid your identified decision-making biases or errors.

A minimum of 5 academic references should be used to support the statements made and arguments presented in this video. Learning outcomes LO4 – Apply Strategies integrating ethical, social and global considerations, which benefit organisational performance

Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

LO5 – Analyse and evaluate real-world situation using a wide variety of decision-making approaches and techniques. Assessment Instructions To ensure the success of your video presentation, you should take account of the following: 1) Ensure that you record in a well-lit location and quiet location so that the quality of your video is

enhanced 2) Confirm that your voice is recording clearly and avoid reading notes, and look at the camera when

you speak. 3) Practice numbers times beforehand so that you become polished and confident. 4) Be creative in how you present your information and reinforce the arguments or positions you are


Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.

Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: Word Limits for Written Assessments Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded. Study Assistance Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

MBA 503 Assessment Three – Video – Marking Guide

Criteria F (Fail) 0-49% P (Pass) 50-64% CR (Credit) 65-74% D (Distinction) 75% – 84% HD (High Distinction) 85% – 100% Marks Assessment Content (MBA 503 – Assessment 3) out of 30 marks

Decision-Making Models

DM model either not mentioned at all or vaguely explained. Either no or limited analysis and connections included.

Analysis of the chosen DM model included – limitations and advantages mentioned but not developed. Connections between the context and the DM model mentioned but not developed.

Extensive and detailed analysis of the chosen DM model – limitations and advantages explained. Connections between the context and the DM model clarified and detailed. Academic research included

Thorough and comprehensive analysis of the chosen DM model – limitations and advantages evident. Connections between the context and the DM model carefully detailed. Academic research included and supports the arguments being developed.

Extensive, detailed, and in- depth analysis of the chosen DM model – limitations and advantages apparent. Connections between the context and the DM model thoroughly detailed. Academic research and sources skillfully embedded and support the arguments being developed.


Decision-Making Biases or Errors

DM biases/errors either not detailed at all or minimally referred to. Little or no impact of the biases/errors included.

DM biases/errors mentioned. Connections made between the context and the DM bias. Some commentary on the impact of DM biases/errors included

DM biases/errors detailed clearly. Extensive connections made between the context and the DM bias. Reflections made re the impact of DM biases/errors.

DM biases/errors detailed and comprehensive manner. Extensive connections made between the context and the bias. Considered and measured reflections made re the impact of DM biases/errors. Academic references included

DM biases/errors thoroughly and meticulously analysed. A deep, extensive and detailed connection made between the context and the bias. Insightful reflections made re the impact of DM biases/errors. Academic theory support and augments discussion.


Recommendations to the Board

Recommendations minimal or non-existent. No clear connections between the biases and recommendations

Clear recommendations included. Strategies clear. Effort made to detail linkages between DM biases and recommendations.

Detailed and clear and concise recommendations included. Strategies logical and clear. Obvious linkages between DM biases and recommendations.

Detailed and considered recommendations included. Strategies logical with reasonable likelihood of successful outcomes. Perceptive linkages between DM biases and recommendations.

Discerning, thorough, precise and measured recommendations included. Strategies logical with strong likelihood of successful outcomes. Perceptive linkages between DM biases and recommendations.


Structure Format and Presentation (MBA 503 Assessment 3) out of 10 marks Video – Structure Little structure evident – which

limits the flow of the presentation. No support materials included

Structure poor. Progression of ideas reasonable but flow could be better. Additional materials used in a limited fashion.

Reasonable structure used to progression of ideas. Some materials used in the presentation effectively.

Good structure, clear and logical progression of ideas. Additional materials used in the presentation effectively.

Excellent structure, clear and logical progression of ideas. Additional materials used in the presentation support and augment the position being developed.


Video – Quality Quality of the video poor and impacts on the overall presentation.

Quality of Video acceptable, but could be better. Issues with the audio, lighting and/or recording limit impact on the effectiveness of the overall presentation

Video quality reasonable, but could be better. Limitations with the audio, lighting, etc. impact on the overall presentation

Good quality video. Script flows well. Audio clear and visuals effective and lighting very effective in supporting the video. The quality supports the presentation

High-quality video. Well developed script. Clear audio and visuals, and lighting used to support the presentation. The overall quality enhances notably the overall presentation and the content included.


  • Assessment 3 Information
  • Subject Code:
  • Subject Name:
  • Assessment 3 – Video
  • Assessment Title:
  • Video
  • Assessment Type:
  • Weighting:
  • Total Marks:
  • Submission:
  • 23.55 pm Monday, Week 13
  • Due Date:
  • Presentation Length:
  • 40
  • 40 %
  • MBA503
  • Operations Management and Decision-Making Models
  • Assessment Instructions
  • To ensure the success of your video presentation, you should take account of the following:
  • 1) Ensure that you record in a well-lit location and quiet location so that the quality of your video is enhanced
  • 2) Confirm that your voice is recording clearly and avoid reading notes, and look at the camera when you speak.
  • 3) Practice numbers times beforehand so that you become polished and confident.
  • 4) Be creative in how you present your information and reinforce the arguments or positions you are taking.
  • Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.

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