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  • The goals of this assignment are for you to use evidence and arguments to advocate for actionto reduce the adverse health impacts of climate change.
  • Write a persuasive essay on the health impacts of climate change that could be an “Op-Ed” piece or blog post.
  • The essay should have:
    • Your opinion– Take a side on an issue and persuade the reader to join you.
    • A call to action– Convince the reader that a specific action needs to be taken.
    • Your voice– Be authentic and believable. Use “I/me/we” statements when necessary.
    • Facts– Include a description of at least three health impacts of climate change with supporting facts and references.
    • Specifics – Don’t speak in generalities or abstractions. Instead, for one of the three impacts talk about a specific health impact of climate change on a specific community or individual. Examples:
      • A tribal community in Alaska that might need to relocate because of sea-level rise
      • Foodies in Seattle who get Vibrioinfections from oysters due to warming sea waters
      • Villagers in Bangladesh at risk for drowning due to river flooding
      • An elderly neighbor at higher risk for heat stroke.
    • Conciseness– Use between 800 and 1200 words.
    • References – Use in-text citations with no footnotes or endnotes, and include a list of references (at least three).
  • Helpful resources:

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