Hello Class and Professor,

One effective control system that is used in Healthcare is monitoring patients satisfaction or patient experience. Healthcare organizations uses this to monitor patients experience in order for them to evaluate and improve on quality of care. Nurses spend a lot of time with the patients and they have a major impact on patient experience with thier care and how a patient responds to treatment. They want to contribute to a positive patient experience wheh it is time for a patient to be discharged so that they will fill out a good report sheet that they were pleased with their care and stay at the organization.


Hospitals have the most pressure because of the emergency room and when a patient is admitted to stay in the hospital. A patient requires a lot of care from nurses when they are admitted in and they want to be timely, respectful, and most of all attentive to each and every patient while they are there. Patients care is very important and there is always room for improvement for quality of care and making sure that patients satisfaction is always a ‘plus’ and trying not to get any negative reviews from patients but there will be some patients that you can not please and will make your job difficult but stay confident and do your job and always give service with a smile at all time.




How Nurses and Their Work Environment Affect Patient Experiences of The Quality of Care: A Qualitative Study (2014)





Unit 4 Second Response Needed


A staple in the care of a patient is the patient care plan. With the conversion to electronic medical records, all disciplines who have contact with the patient “feed” into an electronic form that each discipline updates on a regular basis. Our department updates or verifies this form once a shift (www.floridahospital.com) generally near the end of the shift although new therapy orders are charted with start of therapy. I believe other disciplines follow the same schedule. All disciplines chart on the same electronic form.

The most important and effective control to ensure the different disciplines stay consistent with patient-centered care is communication. This communication must translate from verbal to written. Doctors tend to be the worst at communicating their plan for the patient while in the hospital. Well, those who see a doctor on even a semi-regular basis know that doctors don’t always communicate their plan even with the patient. This trouble with communication is universal. My own doctor doesn’t communicate with me well; I have to drag the information out of him. Let me say here that this is not every doctor. Some are really great at communicating their plan and will ask for staff input and modify their plan if warranted. That’s the doctor you want. I have seen doctors talk over a patient with the patient turning their head back and forth with their facial expression changing as the doctors discussed their illness. Finally, as they left the room, they said to the patient, “See you tomorrow.” The patient looked at me and asked, “What did I need to be here for – the doctor’s convenience?” Never be afraid to question your doctor or other healthcare provider. Write your questions down and do not worry about how “busy” or annoyed they may appear. It is your health and your life – you take control, not the doctor. But don’t be obnoxious or belligerent or a pain in the buns. Oh, now I’m off on a tangent.

Our facility also requires that patient care staff, primarily the nurse and therapist in ICU, go on patient rounds with the patient’s physician.


Policy and Procedures, Department of Respiratory Care, Florida Hospital, www.floridahospital.com

I will Pay $10.00 Total for the 2 Responses. Absolutely Plagiarism Free! All References and/or Citing where or when necessary. 

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