Office Cart Robert Trenton is a shipping manager at Office Cart, an online office supply store located in Muncie, Indiana. He wants to use an Excel workbook to track shipping orders. Robert asks you to create and format a worksheet that he can use to enter information for packing slips. Complete the following:

1. Open the Office workbook located in the Excel2  Case4 folder included with your Data Files, and then save the workbook as Office Cart Packing Slip in the location specified by your instructor. 2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B3 and the date in cell B4. 3. Set the following formats in the Documentation sheet: a. Merge cells A1 and B1, and then left-align the contents of the merged cell. Change the font to 28-point white Calibri Light on a dark green background. b. Change the font of the range A3:A5 to 14-point white Calibri Light on a dark green background. c. Change the format of the date value in cell B4 to the Long Date style, and then left-align the date in the cell. d. Italicize the text “Office Cart” in cell B5. e. Add a border around each cell in the range A3:B5.

4. Insert a new worksheet at the end of the workbook and name it Packing Slip. 5. In the Packing Slip worksheet, select all of the cells in the worksheet. (Hint: Click the Select All button at the intersection of the row and column headings, or press the Ctrl+A keys.) Change the font to 10-point dark green Calibri. 6. Add a thick box border around the range A1:D40. 7. For the range A1:D3, change the format to a white Calibri Light font on a dark green background. 8. Set the width of column A to 15 characters. Set the width of column B to 20 characters. Set the width of column C to 30 characters. Set the width of column D to 20 characters. 9. Merge the range A1:B3. Merge the range C1:D3, and then right- and top-align the merged cell. Set the row height of row 1 to 36 points and the heights of rows 2 and 3 to 15 points. 10. In cell A1, enter the following three lines of text, pressing the Alt+Enter keys to start a new line within the cell: Office Cart 14 Trenke Lane Muncie, IN 47303 Format the first line in a 26-point bold font.

11. In cell C1, enter Packing Slip, and then format the text in a 26-point bold font using the Headings font of the current theme. 12. In the range A5:A7, enter the following three lines of text in a bold font, and then right-align the text and indent the text one character: Order Date Order Number Purchase Order 13. Format cell B5 in the Long Date format and left-align the cell contents. Insert border lines around each of the cells in the range B5:B7. 14. In the range C5:C7, enter the following three lines of text, and then use the Format Painter to copy the formats from the range A5:B7 to the range C5:D7: Date Sales Rep Account Num

15. In cell B9, enter Ship To. In cell D9, enter Bill To. Format the text in both cells in bold. 16. In cell A10, enter Address, format the text in bold, right-align the text, and then indent it one character. 17. Merge the cells in the range B10:B15, left- and top-align the cell contents, insert a border around the merged cell, and then wrap the text within this cell. 18. In cell C10, enter Address. Copy the format from the range A10:B15 to the range C10:D15. 19. Enter the following data in the indicated cells in the worksheet: cell A17: Item cell B17: Product No. cell C17: Description cell D17: Order Quantity

20. Format the range A17:D17 in bold white Calibri on a dark green background. 21. Format the range A18:D18 with a bottom border and a light green background. Format the range A19:D19 with a bottom border and a white background. Copy the format in the range A18:D19 to the range A20:D27. 22. Apply a Top and Double Bottom Border to the range A28:D28. Merge the contents of the range A28:C28. Enter Total in cell A28, bold the text, and right-align the cell contents. 23. In cell D28, enter a formula to calculate the sum of the values in the range D18:D27. Bold the text. 24. In cell A30, enter Comments and then bold the text. 25. Merge the range A31:D39, left- and top-align the cell contents, and then add a thick box border around the merged cell.

26. In cell D40, enter Thank you for your business! in italic 16-point Calibri, and then right-align the cell contents. 27. Make sure the worksheet is set to portrait orientation, and then add a footer that displays your name in the left section, the filename in the center section, and the current date in the right section. Scale the printout so that it fits onto a single page. 28. Enter the packing slip data shown in Figure 2-48. Save and close the workbook.


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