1. Your task is to compare and contrast ( What similar and what difference )a well-known multi-channel firm and a well-known dot com firm (i.e. 1 firm of each type). Compare and contrast mean. So what you may avoid doing is half of you working on other company and half of you working on other company

2. YOU MUST compare and contrast as you are going. EXAMPLE, one of them has to be multi-channel which means only firms which exists in the high street and online as well such as, TESCO.COM and dot com firms is overwhelmingly its activity are online for example AMAZON. Lets say for example in China Taobao, in the UK ASOS as an example of dot com firms. People might say some dot com firm has some high street activity, if its most activity are online then we would see it as a dot com firms, Booking.Com, it has telephone approach


  1. the Executive Summary [400 words approx]. Executive Summary is written for somebody has not read the essay, say what is your key finding are. DO NOT say, I am going to introduce the firm or compare and contrast ( you only need to ( Key your findings )
  2. Introduce your work, explain your choice of firms and give key background on the firms [500 words]. What is exciting about them? Have you chosen them because they are a good contrast, know them they are in the same sector, in different sector, there is on an innovator, one struggling and one not struggling ( Nowadays every sector are struggling with CORONA SO YOU HAVE TO LOOK BEYOND WHAT IS GOING BYOND THIS MOMENT ( IT IS IMPORTANT TO MENTION CORONAVIRUS )
  3. Compare and contrast the key methods the firms you have looked at use to attract users. Categorise the methods into owned, paid and earned media (Stephen and Galak, 2012) [1000 words].

First, you definitely need to look at this paper (Stephen and Galak, 2012)

Secondly: organise them

5.1 Owned media and discuss your compare and contrast your 2 firms

5.2 Paid media compare and contrast the 2 firms

5.3 Owned media, you compare and contrast as you are going instead of having

2 seprate peaces of work

One thing to bear in mind is you are looking at 3 types of media and 2 types of firms so it is almost like 1,2,3 about 330 words each part and roughly 160 words in each firm so you cant look at every type of paid media, you might decide to look at social media advertising and paid search as an example , so you have to prioritise when you looking at that

  1. Using the model outlined by Anderson and Swaminathan (2011) compare and contrast how the two firms drive customer satisfaction, which in turn influences loyalty [1000 words].

again you have to ORGANISE them




  1. How useful did you find the Anderson and Swaminathan model? THAT IS CRITICAL EVULATION  What were its limitations? [400 words].
  2. What were the most important things you learnt from the assessment? [200 words]

Is it the truth of sector the most important thing ? Is it the dot com the most important thing ? Or multi-channel ? ITS completely up to you

  1. Briefly conclude your work, summarizing your findings and areas you think you could be looked at in more detail [350 words]. So you might find social media influencers are particularly intresting, YOU DON’T NEED to look at them in more details, but it is something can be done
  2. Reference list with full details provided. References for part A, they will be GENERALLY type of businesses because the background of the firm then you will be looking at academic and business refrences ( Refrences 1\3 Academic and 2\3 non academic





: Introduction and network effects


Stephen A.T and Galak, J. (2012) The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a microlending marketplace. Journal of Marketing Research, 49(5), 624–639. Essential for the final essay.

Anderson, R.E. and Swaminathan, S. (2011) Customer satisfaction and loyalty in e-markets: a PLS path modelling approach. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 221-234. Essential for the final essay.

Hagiu, A. and Rothman, S. (2016) Network effects aren’t enough, Harvard Business Review, 94 (4), 65–71 – easy to read and useful as a general piece.

Zervas, G., Proserpio, D. and Byers, J.W., 2017. The rise of the sharing economy: Estimating the impact of Airbnb on the hotel industry. Journal of marketing research, 54(5), pp.687-705.

The Economist. (2014) Internet monopolies. Everybody wants to rule the world, November 29th.  Access through the library or through http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21635077-online-businesses-can-grow-very-large-very-fastit-what-makes-them-exciting-does-it-also-make.

Digital Marketing Technologies


Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2016) Digital Marketing, 6th Edition, Pearson, Harlow.  Look at Chapter 3.

Lee, I. and Lee, K. (2015). The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises. Business Horizons, 58(4), pp.431-440.

McAfee, A. (2011) What Every CEO Needs to Know About The Cloud. Harvard Business Review, 89, 11, 124-132.

KPMG. (2016) Moving to the cloud: key considerations, KPMG, London.  Available at https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2016/04/moving-to-the-cloud-key-risk-considerations.pdf

The Economist. (2014). Programmatic bidding Buy, Buy, Baby, September 11th. Available from the library.  Access via the library or through http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21615872-rise-electronic-marketplace-online-ads-reshaping-media-business-buy [if the link is available].

Betfair and network effects

Social media and versioning


Bearne, S. (2017).  Meet the teens making thousands from selling online. Guardian Online, available at https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2017/oct/23/teens-selling-online-depop-ebay.

Kaplan, A. M., and Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53 (1), 59-68.

Hanna, R., Rohm, A. and Crittenden, V.L. (2011) We’re all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem, Business Horizons, 54(3), pp265-273.

Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E.C., Friege, C., Gensler, S.,  Lobschat, L., Rangaswamy, A., and Skiera, B. (2010), The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships, Journal of Service Research, 13 (3), pp311-330

Stephen, A.T, &  Toubia, O. (2010) Deriving Value from Social Commerce Networks, Journal of Marketing Research, 47(2), 215-228.

Varian, H. (1999) Market Structure in the Network Age, http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~hal/Papers/doc/doc.html

Shapiro, C. and H. Varian (1998) Versioning: The smart way to sell information. Harvard Business Review, 76 (6), 106–114.

Kumar, V. (2014). Making “Freemium” Work. Harvard Business Review, May 2014.

Wagner, T.M., Benlian, A. & Hess, T. (2014) Converting freemium customers from free to premium—the role of the perceived premium fit in the case of music as a service, Electronic Markets, 24 (4), 259-268.

Programmatic advertising

Websites to mobile

Reading “Stephen A.T and Galak, J. (2012) The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a microlending marketplace. Journal of Marketing Research, 49(5), 624–639. Essential for the final essay.


PWC.  (2017) 10 retailer investments for an uncertain future.  Available at https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/industries/assets/total-retail-2017.pdf

Google. (2016) Chapter 1: Exploration and Search from Mobile Retail Apps and Sites: Designing a Better Experience for Shoppers.  Available at https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/articles/chapter-1-exploration-and-search.html

Favell, A. (2015) Eight reasons to prioritize a mobile site or web app over a native app, ClickZ.  Available at https://www.clickz.com/eight-reasons-to-prioritize-a-mobile-site-or-web-app-over-a-native-app/90107/.  The article refers to 2 other articles in the series which are worth looking at.

ComScore. (2016) The 2016 US Mobile App Report.  Available at https://www.comscore.com/Insights/Presentations-and-Whitepapers/2016/The-2016-US-Mobile-App-Report (requires registration which is free).

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2016) Digital Marketing, 6th Edition, Pearson, Harlow, pages 136-137, and chapter 7

Arsene, C. (2016) Mobile-Friendly Website or Native App? Here’s How to Decide Which Comes First.  Available at https://www.ymedialabs.com/mobile-friendly-website-or-native-app-heres-how-to-decide-which-comes-first/

Campbell-Kelly, M., Garcia-Swartz, D., Lam, R., & Yang, Y. (2014). Economic and business perspectives on smartphones as multi-sided platforms. Telecommunications Policy, 39 (8), 717–734.

Seoa, B., and Leeb, J. (2016) Web_2.0 and five years since: How the combination of technological and organizational initiatives influences an organization’s long-term Web_2.0 performance, Telematics and Informatics, 33 (1), pp232–246.

PayPal (2014) Six best practices to improve your online checkout,, http://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/mktg/pdf/PayPal_Checkout_Best_Practices.pdf

Charlton, G. (2012) 10 tips for improving e-commerce checkouts, http://econsultancy.com/blog/11240-10-tips-for-improving-ecommerce-checkouts

(a) Versioning (b) Social media

Attracting traffic and search engines


Stephen A.T and Galak, J. (2012) The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a microlending marketplace. Journal of Marketing Research, 49(5), 624–639. Essential for the final essay.

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2016) Digital Marketing, 6th Edition, Pearson, Harlow, Chapter 9

Oteroa, E.L., Muñoz Gallegoa, P.A., and Pratt, R.M.E. (2014) Click-and-Mortar SMEs: Attracting customers to your website. Business Horizons, 57 (6), 729–736.

Charlton, G. (2014) Why you need an evergreen content strategy, available at https://econsultancy.com/blog/65455-why-you-need-an-evergreen-content-strategy

Laffey, D. (2007) Paid Search: the Innovation that changed the Web. Business Horizons, 50 (3), 211-218

Egria, G. and Bayrak, C. (2014) The Role of Search Engine Optimization on Keeping the User on the Site. Procedia Computer Science, 36, 335–342.

Brin, S. and Page L. (1998) The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine available at http://infolab.stanford.edu/~backrub/google.html

Mobile Issues

Multi Channel vs Dot Com models


PWC.  (2017) 10 retailer investments for an uncertain future.  Available at https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/industries/assets/total-retail-2017.pdf

Hart, C., Stachow, G., Rafiq, M. and Laing, A. (2014) The customer experience of town centres, ESRC/Loughborough University.  Available at http://thegreatbritishhighstreet.co.uk/pdf/GBHS-The-Customer-Experience-of-Town-Centres.pdf

IMRG. (2016) Retail Reimagined The Digitally-Remastered High Street.  Available at http://thegreatbritishhighstreet.co.uk/pdf/IMRG%20Retail%20Reimagined%202016.pdf?2

Laffey, D. (2004) The rise and fall of the dot com entrepreneurs, Working Paper No 54, Kent Business School, available at http://kar.kent.ac.uk/10873/1/Laffey-No-54.pdf

ATKearney (2013) Recasting the Retail Store in Today’s Omnichannel World – http://www.atkearney.com/en_GB/consumer-products-retail/featured-article/-/asset_publisher/S5UkO0zy0vnu/content/recasting-the-retail-store-in-today%E2%80%99s-omnichannel-world/10192#sthash.HPXBPMTc.dpuf

PWC (2013) Demystifying the online shopper 10 myths of multichannel retailing http://www.pwc.com/en_US/us/retail-consumer/publications/assets/pwc-multi-channel-shopper-survey.pdf

Search engines and attracting traffic

Lecture Week 19:  The sharing economy


Wosskow, D. (2014) Unlocking the sharing economy – an independent review, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, London.  Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/378291/bis-14-1227-unlocking-the-sharing-economy-an-independent-review.pdf

Cusamano, M.A. (2015) How traditional firms must compete in the sharing economy. Communications of the ACM, 58 (1), 32-34.

Malhotra, A. and Van Alstyne, M. (2014). The dark side of the sharing economy…and how to lighten it. Communications of the ACM, 57( 11), 24–27.

Eckhardt, G.M., and Bardhi, F. (2015). The Sharing Economy Isn’t About Sharing at All. Available from https://hbr.org/2015/01/the-sharing-economy-isnt-about-sharing-at-all [this is an open link but you should be able to access].

Hagiu, A. and Rothman, S. (2016) Network Effects Aren’t Enough. Harvard Business Review, 94 (4), 65–71.

The Economist. (2013) The rise of the sharing economy On the internet, everything is for hire, March 9th.  Access through the library or through http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21573104-internet-everything-hire-rise-sharing-economy.

Dot coms vs multi-channel

Loyalty in the digital age


Anderson, R.E. and Swaminathan, S. (2011) Customer satisfaction and loyalty in e-markets: a PLS path modelling approach. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 221-234. Essential for the final essay.

Zhang, X., Kumar, V., and Cosguner, K. (2017) Dynamically Managing a Profitable Email Marketing Program. Journal of Marketing Research: 54(6), 851-866.

Thakur, R., and Workman, L. (2016). Customer portfolio management (CPM) for improved customer relationship management (CRM): Are your customers platinum, gold, silver, or bronze?. Journal Of Business Research, 69 (10), 4095–4102.

Chaffey et al, Chapter 6

Varian, H. (1999) Market Structure in the Network Age, http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~hal/Papers/doc/doc.pdf.  Look at Section 1.2.

Comparison websites and affiliates and Managing online campaigns


Laffey, D. (2010). Comparison websites: Evidence from the service sector. Service Industries Journal, 30(12), 1939-1954.

Laffey, D. and Gandy, A. (2009). Applying Stabell and Fjeldstad’s Value Configurations to E-Commerce: A Cross-Case Analysis of UK Comparison Websites. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 18(4), 192-204.

Libai, B., Biyalogorsky, E., and Gerstner, E. (2003). Setting Referral Fees in Affiliate Marketing. Journal of Service Research, 5(4), 303-315.

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2016) Digital Marketing, 6th Edition, Pearson, Harlow, Chapter 10 (and Chapter 8).

Petrovici, M.A. (2014) E-Public Relations: Impact and Efficiency. A Case Study.  Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 141, 79–84

Security and Privacy

Wall, M.  (2017).  Could new data laws end up bankrupting your company?  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40441434.

IAB (2017).  IAB UK GDPR checklist, available at https://www.iabuk.net/policy/briefings/iab-uk-gdpr-checklist#awareness

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2016) Digital Marketing, 6th Edition, Pearson, Harlow. See pages 130-135.

National Cyber Security Centre. (2016) 10 Step: Executive Summary.  Available at https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/10-steps-executive-summary.

Berinato, S. (2014) With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility. Harvard Business Review, 92 (11), 101-104.

HM Government. (2016) National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2021, see pages 16-23.  Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/567242/national_cyber_security_strategy_2016.pdf

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