Name a service, social, or religious group that contribute to the health in your community.
What do they do? How do they help?
Community health is the condition of a group of people health in the same small geographical area. It states certain procedures and situations of promoting, protecting and safeguarding health conditions of the community people.

  1. Service and social group’s members mostly do not focus on health-related service, but they raise funds and provide these funds towards health-related programs in the community.
  2. Religious groups contribute to community healthcare by providing donations for voluntary providing donations for voluntary health programs like organ donating, blood donation, and prevents alcoholic people from drinking.
  3. Religious group’s members act as a sponsor for contributing towards shelter and food banks for poor people who do not have home.

Use the community health problem you gave in Assignment #1.
If you were in charge, how would you organize your community to address this problem?

What have you personally heard about the World Health Organization?
Where did you hear it from? Do you agree with that opinion?

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