a) List four important features of C language [2 marks]
b) What is wrong with the variable declaration and assignment in the following programs?
I. #include<stdio.h>
Int main(){
Int goto=5;
Printf (“%d”,goto);
Return 0;
} [1 mark]
Int main(){
Int BIG=32;
Int y;
Return 0;
} [2 marks]
c)By means of as simple illustration, show the difference between local variable and global variable as used in C programming [4marks]
I. If n is an integer variable ,what is the value of the expression n%8 when the value of n is 24? [1 mark]
II. What is the value of the expression 2*6-5+8%5 [1 mark]
III. What will be printed when the following segment is executed as part of a program?
Int i,total;
For(i=1 ;i=15;i=i=i+1)
{ if(i%3==0)
Printf(“\n\n”); [2 marks]



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