Minor Research Essay Draft

NOTE:  The grade for this submission is a completion grade.  You are simply earning credit for submitting a complete draft.  A grade for the content and quality of your essay will be rendered only for the Final Draft submitted in Week Five.

For this assignment, you will create a first draft of your Minor Research Essay.  Please note the following requirements:

–Your essay will be in response to the Minor Research Essay Prompt and will be structured in accordance with the Outline you created for Assignment Five.

–Per the Outline you created, your essay will begin with an Introduction that follows the three-step method presented in my Introduction Writing handout.

–Your first body paragraph will address a positive aspect of gentrification from the Sanneh article and will be supported with a quote from th Sanneh article.

–Your second body paragraph will address a negative aspect of gentrification from the Sanneh article and will be supported with a quote from the Sanneh article.

–Your third and fourth body paragraphs will argue the position you take in your thesis regarding your selected neighborhood.  Each argument will be supported with a quote from your newspaper and/or magazine research.

–Your essay will be 1000-1250 words.  This word count does not include your heading, headers, or works cited page.

–Essays that fail to meet the minimum word count requirement will receive a summary grade of “Fail.”

–Your essay must include proper MLA in-text citations and a properly formatted MLA Works Cited page.

IMPORTANT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT:  Your paper must be submitted to two locations.  You must submit your paper here in the Assignments tab for grading and it must also be uploaded to the File Exchange area in your assigned group.  When submitting to your group, please use your first and last name for the name of the uploaded file.

Please note that all assignments must be submitted as Microsoft Word attachments (.doc or .docx).

In addition, all assignments must be formatted in accordance with MLA requirements.

Finally, please be aware of the Friday due date for this assignment.

As always, please feel free to contact me with question or requests for further clarification prior to completing this assignment.

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