However, it is important to note that the workers do not complain and it is the owners of capital who deem the move as capping on their gains. As Karl Marx pointed, the bourgeoisie suffer as the owners of capital cap on their rights in the society. The society needs to assess the historical implications of minimum wage and compound its importance in the workplace as the cost of living is increasing. In the US, the last time that the Federal government set minimum wage was 2009 and although some states have increased the minimum wage there are still regions that have not changed. The Federal minimum wage needs to be reviewed and increased to ensure that people can support their families which would help in expanding the economy and improving the structural attributes of the American society. This paper assesses the importance of minimum wage in the US and how this can help the workers, owners of capital as well as the government.

The Fair Labor Standards Act in Puerto Rico from 1938-1941 and how it changed the scope of minimum wage in the US is a fundamental historical attribute that needs to be highlighted (Macpherson, 2017). America has made major strides on its minimum wage structure but more needs to be done. The Democrats have pointed this issue noting that there needs to be a change in the wage structure to support the American workers. The need for reviewing the minimum wage structure needs to be addressed as case sensitive. The numbers of companies that have set up are increasing and with an American economy that needs to expand it are essential to create proper tools to facilitate economic growth in the country (Romich and Hill, 2018). There needs to be a new review that aligns with the present conditions in the country and Congress needs to facilitate the new structural precepts in the country. The increasing level of inequality in the country is staggering due to the poor wages that a large number of Americans receive. The minimum wage needs to be set on the best models towards empowering the people. The American people need to have enough resources to support their families and a review of the wages is critical to this change.

There are more than 29 states that have changed the minimum wage structure since 2009 (Fabo and Belli, 2017). The minimum wage laws should be adopted across all states as they have been working in states where the minimum wage is higher than that of the federal capping set. It proves that the changes are neither detrimental to the government nor to the owners of businesses. The owners of businesses highlight the problems that are caused by minimum wage but productivity and reduction in labor turnover are among the main attributes that change with increasing the minimum wage (van Doren, 2017). Workers are motivated to work as they gain heavily and are satisfied. This mainly applies to the blue collar jobs where the wages do not match the work (Romich and Hill, 2018). There have been arguments that a change in the approach would lead to companies employing non-American citizens who would be cheaper. These arguments only compound the importance of increasing the minimum wage to create a level playing field for everyone.

America is a capitalist nation where the owners of capital have power over the workers. This is one of the principles that have made America one of first world countries across the world. The minimum wage does not take away a capitalist structure but creates a perfect economy where everyone enjoys the wide American economy (Trant et al, 2018). It ensures that everyone gets a share of the part that they contribute to the economy. A higher minimum wage would lead to higher Medicaid, public housing, nutrition assistance and income support programs by the government (Trant et al, 2018). The people’s income would be sufficient to support their programs and create a proactive model that matches the specific tools and processes indicated. The current minimum wage levels in the country do not match the historical levels when one factors in the economic conditions and cost of living in the country (Romich and Hill, 2018). It is these attributes that should be critically examined by the government when creating a better Federal Government minimum wage in the country. The diversification and difference in the jobs in the country means that there are a lot of people who do not get the right wages. An examination of the farmers and environmental factors indicate a critical attribute that needs to be measured and underlined (Trant et al, 2018). The social elements that are founded inculcate an individual process that matches the significant processes needed in improving the livelihoods of the people accordingly.

In the UK, there was a court ruling that supported the rights of Uber drivers to get the minimum wage. This indicated the importance of creating a structured model especially in the precarious forms of work. The UK government changed their minimum wage in 2017 which had been in used since 1999 (Fabo and Belli, 2017). It indicates the trends that other developed economies are taking to support their citizens. The Congress does not have a basis for failing to pass a bill on minimum wage since it compounds the interests of the people. The increase is not expeditious but a small increase that will have a lasting impact on the American lives. It is therefore, imperative to create strong models that are matched and significantly underlined through the critical methods developed. As a country creating a good structure that supports the people is beneficial to everyone and these attributes need to be developed. As the American people contemplate on the best cause of action, it is imperative that the interests of the workers are addressed (Fabo and Belli, 2017). There are however, problems that are indicated such as imperfect targeting, heterogeneous labor market effects and interactions with income support programs. Although there are problems, engaging in a liberal conversation that allows American to gain from their role in the society is essential.

In conclusion, the debate on minimum wage needs to continue but an increase in the wage levels should be inevitable. The American people need a minimum wage bill passed by Congress to support the increase in their wages. It is imperative to create a proper model that matches the significant changes that the country is undergoing need to be supported by better deals for Americans. The country has a strong potent towards improving the livelihoods of Americans thereby creating a specific approach that should be matched by the social precepts indicated.


Fabo, B., & Belli, S. S. (2017). (Un) beliveable wages? An analysis of minimum wage policies in Europe from a living wage perspective. IZA Journal of Labor Policy6(1), 4.

Macpherson, A. S. (2017). Birth of the US Colonial Minimum Wage: The Struggle over the Fair Labor Standards Act in Puerto Rico, 1938–1941. The Journal of American History104(3), 656-680.

Romich, J., & Hill, H. D. (2018). Coupling a federal minimum wage hike with public investments to make work pay and reduce poverty. The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. RSF.

Van Doren, Peter. (2017). Minimum Wage.(Working Papers: A SUMMARY OF RECENT PAPERS THAT MAY BE OF INTEREST TO REGULATION’S READERS.)(Brief article)

Trant, L., Brekken, C. A., Lev, L., & Gwin, L. (2018). Implications of the 2016 Oregon Minimum Wage Increase for Direct Market Farmers, Farmworkers, and Communities. Sustainability10(2), 370.

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