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Put your self in the position of a marketing representative for the Barclays Center. One of your roles is to find clients to advertise in the arena. Think of all the brands that you know and select a brand that you think would want to reach the fans of a team that plays in the Barclays Center.

Visit 360 Tour of a fan activation for the New Your Knicks at Madison Square Garden. This is an example of another kind of fan-oriented activation. Consider this activation as well as you develop your marketing pitch.


Create an image and text-based pitch poster for the activation you conceptualize. Create a pitch that describes your marketing strategy, show images representing the theme of the idea, and any images you can create or find that would depict the look and feel of the activation you are pitching. Describe the technology that will be used and be sure to specify how you will measure the success of the activation (ie. ticket scans, ad impressions, website views, emails gathered, social shares, the number of mobile phones that scan a code, or even connections to RFID beacons). Summarize your ideas and make it look super compelling and visual to impress your client.

If you are unable to fit your ideas into a single page poster you can upload multiple images to your pitch (but only single page pitches will be shared in the Gallery for the group to see).

Here’s how we will evaluate your assignment’s quality:

  • Describe the activation’s “elevator pitch” in a paragraph or so.
  • Describe how you will connect with fans and what the goal of your activation is in a paragraph or so.
  • Describe how success will be measured.
  • Activation plan has a clear title, and annotations are used to note key information or enhance the visual images.
  • The concept and theme are obvious, and the design is relatable to the concept.
  • The layout is presented neatly and thoughtfully.
  • The plan is annotated and presented in an organized and easy to understand manner.

Make your image/pitch as visually appealing and interesting as possible.

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