**As noted on Essayinfo.com, a persuasive essay engages “solid evidence” (facts, logic and reasoning, examples, and expert quotations) to develop a thesis stated somewhere in the body of the essay itself–typically at the beginning or at the end, but not always.

**For this essay, you are being asked to engage in either “Inductive Analysis” (ADIOS, p. 208) or “Deductive Analysis” (ADIOS, p. 211) to make your case on your chosen topic.

**As part of your introduction, please deploy either “Anecdoting” (ADIOS, p. 82) or “Problem Making” (p. 95) to give it a narrative flare that will then lead in to your body paragraphs, which are meant to either develop your stated thesis (deductive analysis) or lead into your thesis statement (inductive analysis). Please filter your introduction through one of the four lenses: personalizing, humbling, distancing, or martianing.

**In addition, please incorporate either “Netting” (ADIOS, p. 153) or “Q&A-ing” (ADIOS, p. 160) into at least one of your paragraphs (this can include your introductory or concluding paragraphs as well if that works better for you).

**STYLE: Lastly, please incorporate at least one (1) of each the following STYLE techniques into your essay: Freighting, Telescoping, Colon, Semicolon, Dash, Dash Skewer, Parentheses, Melted-Together Word, Very Short Sentence.

**Your Works Cited should include the following: at least (2) scholarly articles, (2) popular articles, (2) books. You can also include multimedia sources and interviews in addition to the required texts. Please incorporate one (1) paraphrase and (1) direct quote from each source into your paper.

**It should follow MLA formatting guidelines: Times New Roman font, proper header and heading, centered title, double-spaced, and Works Cited page.

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