1- Locate a minimum of 5 companies that employed different types of entry modes when they went global. Make a table, graphic, or infographic to show their strategies and why it was best for their product/services. 2- Locate a company that went global besides Starbucks and FedEx. Trace their development, marketing, product distribution, and management of the global enterprise. Find specific information that shows the process and strategies. Make an infographic to show the process. 3- Case Study – Vietnam’s Emerging Market Potential As a team, read the case study at the end of Chapter 12. Use the questions below to analyze the case. 1. What do you think western countries could do to help improve the business climate in Vietnam? 2. What problems might a company encounter while con- ducting market research in Vietnam? 3. Reflecting on your perception of products labeled, “Made in Vietnam,” does the type of product affect your perception? Explain.


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