Part A: Personal concepts of Literacy 500 words in total: (First person response is appropriate.)
Literacy is “the flexible and sustainable mastery of a repertoire of practices with the texts of traditional and new communications technologies via spoken language, print and multimedia.”
Emmitt et al, 2015, p. 279 (from Luke, Freebody & Land, 2000, p.20).
1. Explain clearly in YOUR OWN WORDS the ways in which the concept of literacy has developed over time. (200 words approx.)
2. Think about your personal abilities, skills and uses of literacy.
a) Identify a specific literacy practice that you use confidently. Briefly explain your reasons for this choice. (150 words approx.)
b) Identify a specific literacy practice that you wish to improve. Briefly explain your reasons for this choice. (150 words approx.)
Part B: Applying concepts of Literacy
400 words in total: (First person response is appropriate.)
Review the English K-10 Syllabus (NSW Board of Studies, 2012) which incorporates the Australian Curriculum, English F-10, and which is published online at:
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards.
You will find the support documents: K-6 Guide to the New NSW Syllabuses and English Years 7 -10 Guide to the New NSW Syllabuses available there. Reading these is a helpful starting point.
• From the English K-10 Syllabus, read the introductory sections pp.4-29 very carefully.
• Examine the Stage statement for Stage 3 (p.20).
• Read the Syllabus p.98-115: Stage 3 objectives, outcomes and content.
RESPOND (there are 2 questions for PART B)
3. What is ONE key skill of language and literacy that students at the end of Stage 3, Primary school, should know and be able to demonstrate?
Explain clearly and specifically what this skill requires students to understand/ know and to be able to do. Why do you think this skill is important?
Use your own words. (200 words approx.)
4. Consider the skill you have selected above.
Give a brief explanation of ONE SPECIFIC way you could assist a student to develop this skill.
Use your own words. (200 words approx.)
Remember you need to be clear about identifying a specific Stage 3 outcome from the English Syllabus, Be precise in your responses to Questions 1 and 2 in Part B.

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