• Large server farms can have significant impacts on the environment. Discuss these impacts and recommend measures that can be taken to reduce them. Provide examples of good practices by major computing companies and the role of cloud computing in this effort. (200 words)

Helpful links:

  • Further Readings:
    1. AWS, 2021.Overview of Amazon Web Services.[Online]. Available at:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/aws-overview/introduction.html(Links to an external site.)
    2. AWS, 2021.What is Amazon EC2?.[Online]. Available at:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/concepts.html(Links to an external site.)
    3. Duò, M., 2021.13 Best Google Analytics Alternatives for Powerful Data Gathering.[Online].
      Available at:https://kinsta.com/blog/google-analytics-alternatives/#simple-analytics(Links to an external site.)
    4. Gautam, V., 2015.Toppr’s stance on Net Neutrality #SaveTheInternet.[Online].
      Available at:http://www.eguruclasses.com/blog/topprs-stance-on-net-neutrality-savetheinternet/index.html(Links to an external site.)
    5. Pfleeger, C., Pfleeger, S. & Margulies, J., 2015. Chapter 8 Cloud Computing. In: Security in Computing. NJ, USA: Pearson.
    6. Schneider, G., 2017.“Chapter 8 Web Server Hardware and Software”. Electronic commerce. Boston (MA): Cengage Learning.

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