For this assignment, you will create an online marketplace – a bit like Facebook Marketplace or eBay.
Your marketplace, Kettle Basement is dedicated to community members selling or exchanging kettles with
other local members.
Users can create accounts, browser kettles that are up for sale or exchange, make an offer, and message
the winner to arrange the exchange.
You must implement this platform using PHP and MySQL or MariaDB, with some JavaScript for validation.
Database Structure
The web application uses a relational database. The database has the following structure:
User ( id, name, email, password, location )
Kettle ( id, user_id, title, description, seeking, submitted )
Offer (id, user_id, kettle_id, offer, accepted, submitted)
Message (id, from_user_id, to_user_id, offer_id, sent, text)


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