Surinder is an 18-year-old woman with Down’s syndrome. She lives at home with her parents; her two older brothers left home some years ago and have their own families. She attended a local comprehensive school until she reached the age of 16 and has stayed at home with her parents since then. The family have not received any support from social services. Her parents are very protective of Surinder and she is always accompanied by them if she goes out, even to the local shop. Surinder would like to go to college and meet up with her old school friends but her parents will not allow her to travel alone. Her parents are growing older and her father, who drove until recently, has lost his driving licence due to poor eyesight. Surinder’s sister-in-law, Jasmin, has said that Surinder could move in with her family and help to look after her children but Surinder’s parents will not allow this. They have a row with Jasmin and tell Surinder not to have any further contact with her. Surinder is becoming depressed and is eating very little. Jasmin contacts social services to see if they can help Surinder to gain more independence. What steps might a social worker take, once contacted by Jasmin?

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