J, a 42-year-old male recently diagnosed with mild hypertension, comes to your pharmacy clinic for initiation of antihypertensive therapy. He had four blood pressure readings in the clinic over the last 6 months; all of which were greater than 140/90: 150/100, 150/90, 148/100, and 142/96, all R arm sitting. He also has a strong family history of hypertension on his father’s side of the family. Today’s reading by the medical aide is 150/90 with a pulse of 92. He had home blood pressure readings twice a day for the last 2 weeks, taken by his wife who is a registered nurse. They range from 120- 138/82-88. He had a complete physical examination by his primary care provider 2 weeks ago along with appropriate laboratory tests. All findings and results were normal or unremarkable. What should be your next steps?


LK is a 68-year-old female with hypertension previously seen in the pharmacy clinic by a colleague (now on maternity leave) for the last 2 years. Chart review reveals that LK is under good control (120s over 70s) and has been steadily losing weight at the rate of 5 lb per year. She is on chlorthalidone 25 mg q AM, lisinopril 20 mg q AM, and carvedilol 6.25 mg bid. Her home blood pressure readings are excellent over the last 6 months with a slight downward trend in evening and bedtime readings (as low as 100/66). In taking her history, she denies any problems except for occasional dizziness that occurs most frequently after getting up from the dinner table, especially after a big meal (about one to two times/week). The other change is that she has begun to walk 2 miles a day with her new nextdoor neighbor, with whom she is becoming fast friends. Her sitting blood pressure reading by you today at 11 AM is 110/68 with a pulse of 72. What should you do next?

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Mohammed is a thirty-five year old Somalian man who visits his GP because he is finding it difficult to leave his home. Mohammed is concerned that he has become fearful of leaving his home, experiencing a sense of dread that something terrible will happen. His heart races and he often becomes dizzy. On one occasion he collapsed while he was at the mosque, and consequently has stopped attending services. He describes himself as a ‘nervous person’ but says it has got much worse over the past two years. He is concerned that he will lose his employment benefits because he has stopped attending job interviews. He has few friends, and spends his days reading and looking after his elderly parents, with whom he lives. Mohammed immigrated to Australia when he was seventeen. His family had been persecuted in Somalia, and he escaped to Pakistan before immigrating to Australia. He has many relatives still living in Somalia, and he worries about their safety. He completed an electrical apprenticeship, but has not worked as an electrician since injuring himself at work five years ago. Mohammed separated from his wife shortly after his accident, and has no children.

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