This synthesis has been presented, in the final section of the Week 8 Key Concept Overview, as seven key principles upon which strategic change projects might usefully be based, and those seven principles are further refined into the following summary statement:
The requirement for ongoing, continuous and reciprocal processes of change in the organisation must be embraced as a core component of corporate philosophy, and therefore enshrined as a non-negotiable element of organisational culture.
When this ambition is realised, there will be a joint and individual commitment amongst stakeholders to a constant adjustment of their ways of doing things, in pursuit of an improved value proposition for the customer.
This is achieved by a combination of effective communication and disciplined implementation, and is therefore followed by the generation of quantifiable benefits for all stakeholders involved in the process.
The final Key Concept Exercise requires you to reflect on this summary statement, and to offer your own opinion on its validity, relevance and feasibility in the context of your own employment environment. In short, to what extent can this theoretical view translate into effective action in the context of conditions experienced in the practical workplace?
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
- Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 8.
- Reflect on the ideas presented in the Week 8 Key Concept Overview and the assigned journal articles in the light of your own practical experiences in the workplace.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise
By Day 3 (Saturday)
Answer the following question:
- With reference to the summarised statement above, to what extent do you believe the propositions contained in this statement are important, valid, relevant and achievable in practice, given the real-world conditions that have been encountered in your own experience?
learning Resources :Hind, P., Smit, A. & Page, N. (2013) ‘Enabling sustainability through an action research process of organisational development’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 49, pp. 137-161.
ingen, R. & Wilkerson, P. (2011) ‘The seven deadly sins of strategic change’, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 30 (2), pp. 44-52.
Steenekamp, K., Botha, G. & Moloi, K.C. (2012) ‘Sustaining change in a learning organization’, Africa Education Review, 9 (2), pp. 380-394