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Hilton Vs Marriott (this is not an essay, it is a mock exam and I have been told that I just need bullet points as answers)

Q1: Introduce & describe the Marriott’s activity, online and offline. In broad terms. Justify your choice (why Marriott? because Marriott and Hilton are both luxury…).

Q2:Website: evaluation of its content reflecting on how the theories from Digital Marketing apply.

Provide URL to the website selected.

Consider & discuss:

· What are the performance drivers for using the website (i.e. customer acquisition, branding, service quality etc.)

· What services are offered (brochure ware only, possibility to purchase online, customer support, technical information available)

· The website’s communication patterns and its strategic use; the website’s appropriateness and that of the content shared for the target audience

· Beyond the website, how is the website promoted (provide few examples of marketing communication tools and channels, both online and offline)

· Effectiveness of the website’s design (coherence, complexity, legibility; site style and visual design; navigation)

· Evaluate the quality of the information content (accuracy, level of details, navigation, accessibility, relevance)

Q3: Conduct and present a social footprint audit for the competitor

Q4: Make a maximum of three recommendations to Hilton, based on your evaluation of Marriott’s website and social media footprint. Make a clear link between the analysis and recommendations.

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