Dear Writer
Please review the attachments and the presentations and models as it contains tasks and explanation of each one needed and consider the following, Guidelines for the Assignment:
• Use standard Arial font size 11.
• Use 1.5-line spacing.
• Have a 2.5-centimeter margin on the left-hand side of the page and a 2-centimeter margin on the right-hand side.
• Include page number on the all the pages of the assignment.
• Headings: use 16-point Arial Bold for first level headings, and 14-point Arial Bold for second level headings. If a third level heading is required, use 12-point Arial Bold.
• Attach a completed Statement and Confirmation of Own Work to the front of the paper copy of your assignment.
• The first page of your assignment should be a title page, which should also state your Name, Edexcel BTEC ID number and the Name of the Centre where you are studying.
• The first page should also contain footer with page number, candidate name, unit number, and submission date.  Include a table of contents.
• Start each task on a new page and include the question at the top of the page.
• Ensure any diagrams, screen shots, PowerPoint slides, etc. fit correctly on the page and are referenced, for example, Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.
• Check spelling, grammar and punctuation.
• You should also ensure that you proofread your document, because the above checks do not always pick up every mistake.
• Use accurate Harvard referencing and include a bibliography.
• Ensure you are aware of the word limit for the assignment (2500-3500-word limit) and any regulations that apply if you exceed the word limit.
• Include the total word count at the end of the assignment.
• Mandatory submit to Turn it in and in case the similarity percentage is more than 20% to revise till within the range of 20%.
• A sample of assignment is attached
• Please read carefully the rest of instructions attached in the assignment brief.

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