
Businesses around the world need to analyse data to track and anticipate customers’ needs and optimise the production of goods and services. People want everything now and customised, so manufacturers and providers need to be agile, lean, and sustainable; maximising quality at the lowest cost possible while being fast in supplying demands.

Digital technologies will continue to disrupt everything, New businesses will thrive while some will die off. We all have witnessed the importance and advantages of embracing disruptive technologies. Technology is often a vital part of the catalyst towards more opportunities and productivity, but we must work on the people, organisation, leadership, governance, policy and strategy to make digital transformation happens. Digital innovation is at the intersection between the viability (business), feasibility (technology), and desirability (human factor). A successful digital transformation will lead to empowered employees, engaged customers, transformed products and optimised operations.


You are required to initiate a project proposal for introduction of a digital transformation initiative in an organisation – you are encouraged to use a real organisation (e.g. company that you work for, or use the case study of TStreet platformfor transforming the national translation’s community NAATI).

The digital transformation initiative includes improving and transforming the organisation’s internal processes and culture, or offering new products and services to new/existing customers.

After deciding on this initiative, you are required to research this topic and come up with an annotated bibliography of this topic. This bibliography will justify and provide insights into the topic that has been selected.

Your annotated bibliography should identify current thinking on digital systems in organisations. You will then use this information to guide your thinking and reporting for the project proposal and your subsequent assessment 2.


  • Brief introduction (up to 150 words) indicating your project plan (use active words to explain your goals) and your literature search approach (include your search terms and criteria for inclusion).
  • Annotations of at least FOUR (4) journal articles.Your annotations must include:
    • purpose of the study
    • main variables in the study
    • short summary of findings
  • Discussion that summarises and integrates the articles
    • You may use other references in addition to the 4 articles in this section
  • Recommendationsthat link evidence to practice
  • Reference list
    • Begin the reference list on a new page

Word limit

  • 1000 words (+/- 10%)
  • Reference list is not included


See attached rubric

Supporting files/exemplars:

This web page will explain and provide you examples of annotated bibliographies


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