Based on information provided, write a general Present Levels of Performance (PLP or PLOP) for Frieda. This is based on what Frieda does now; it should summarize Frieda’s current performance and provide the foundation upon which all other decisions in the her adaptaion and support plan will be made; specifically for generating goals, supports and services that are specifically designed to meet her individual needs.
The PLOP includes an Impact of Exceptionality statement which describes how the exceptionality affects Freida’s involvement and progress in the general curriculum. Include as much specific information as you can from the case study, that clearly describes how her exceptionality impacts (or manifests itself) within the general educaiotn curriculum that prevents her from appropriately accessing or progressing.
Based upon the PLOP, create 3 Annual Goals and write 3 benchmarks or objectives to support the attainment of each goal for Frieda based on the following Skills:
Functional Academic: 1 goal, 3 benchmarks
Communication: 1 goal, 3 benchmarks
Interpersonal (social): 1 goal, 3 benchmarks
Create an Individualized Adaptations and Support Plan for Frieda using the 3 goals and benchmarks as a guide to the adaptations for her class schedule and activities (see Figure 6-9 in Chapter 6 of textbook).
Include a summary of the general adaptations used for each type of instructional activity and routine
Notes indicating the times/activities for each adaptation
Links to stated goals
Information regarding who is responsible for the adaptation and when

NOTE: use the steps above and the case study of Freida to write the adaptation plan.
1. Present level of performance
2. Annual goals(3 measurable goals)
3. Benchmarks/objectives( 3 execptionally written bench mark per goal)
4.Adaptation chart plan ( create a well detailed well developed adaptation plan)

BOOK: Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities (9th Edition)
Authors Fredda Brown, John McDonnel, Martha E. Snell

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