I have an assignment on my Marketing Management course which I take in the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Task is :

For this assessment each of you will create one promotion and write an essay applying what you have learnt in class (and through academic literature) to justify your creative choices and why they would make your promotion effective for your target audience. You may create a promotion for any medium (eg video, audio, social media/digital, or print).

Please ensure that you submit your assessment as one Word document with the following sections:

1) Title Page: Name, ID number, picture or link to promotion

2) Introduction

3) Target Audience

4) Justification (of fit with target audience and effectiveness – this will be the majority of the essay, please make sure you use academic literature and cited concepts from class to justify your creative choices)

5) Conclusion

6) Reference list in APA format

You will need to either add your promotion to the word document as a picture or link on the title page.”

The product of my choice is Crepes (thin pancakes). Savoury and sweet crepes is the product I would like to promote in New Zealand. Currently there are very few places that sell this product (eg. Maison de Crepes) so I would like to find creative ways to promote this new to the market product and implement it to the market as efficiently as possible. Some countries that have done it well are France and Russia (Teremok is name of crepes restaurant chain in Russia).

I have uploaded marking criteria and coversheet. Also here are links to google docs for you to access lecture slides. It will outline the topics covered :







The medium to use is social media/digital and any other mediums if appropriate. For this assessment we also required to create promotion ad. I will make it myself, please only describe on the title page what the add needs to look like so I can make it.

Academic Literature that was given to us includes :

Almquist, E., Senior, J., & Bloch, N. (2016). The Elements of Value. (cover story). Harvard Business Review, 94(9), 46-92. Course Material

Meyer, C., & Schwager, A. (2007). Understanding customer experience. Harvard Business Review, 85(2), 116-126.

MADSBJERG, C., & RASMUSSEN, M. B. (2014). AN ANTHROPOLOGIST WALKS INTO A BAR.. Harvard Business Review, 92(3), 80-88.

Spenner, P. (2010). Why You Need a New-Media “Ringmaster”. Harvard Business Review, 88(12), 78-79. Course Material

Kirby, J. (2013). Creative That Cracks the Code. (cover story). Harvard Business Review, 91(3), 86-89. Course Material

Teixeira, T. (2013). HOW TO PROFIT FROM “LEAN ADVERTISING”. Harvard Business Review, 91(6), 23-25. Course Material

Reinartz, W., & Saffert, P. (2013). Creativity in Advertising: When It Works and When It Doesn’t. Harvard Business Review, 91(6), 106-112

Vaughan, R. (2000). How advertising works: A planning model. . putting it all together. Advertising & Society Review, 1(1) doi:10.1353/asr.2000.0015

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