• A narrative description of your resource. In 1-3 paragraphs, offer a general background as to what this resource contains. This may include information addressing the following (although you do not need to address all of the following questions):
o Does this resource focus on a specific health policy issue (example: long-term care, cost containment, reproductive issues, child vaccinations, insurance, etc.) or does it more generally provide information on a variety of issues?
o What type of information does the resource primarily provide? Does it provide in-depth policy analysis? Or does it provide news reports on policy issues (perhaps with links and citations to more in-depth information elsewhere)? Is it a repository of raw or semi-raw data?
o Does it focus primarily on issues at the state, federal or international levels? Or some combination of these? o Who is the intended audience? Members of the public generally? Policymakers? Academics and policy analysts? Individuals within a particular profession? o How current is the information? Do it contain older information as well?
o Does it primarily contain short summaries (i.e. 1-2 page fact sheets), longer policy reports, or both? Is the information intended for a specialized audience or is it understandable by members of the public generally? o Who sponsors or provides this resource? Does the information seem biased in some way? If so, how? Again, you don’t need to address all of these questions. Rather, craft your description into a narrative that addresses the questions above (or similar questions) that seem most important to your entry.
• 3-4 representative examples of the types of reports available. In addition to a general, narrative description of the resource, please provide a bullet point list with links to examples of 3-4 reports (or similar policy information) available on through the website. Please provide a one sentence description of each of these example reports and a functioning hyperlink directly to this report or resource. Find reports that are typical of the information available on the site.
• Tips for navigating this resource: Based on your experience with the resource, provide a few sentences offering tips on how to navigate this resource. What is the best way to find information? Is there a search function? Are there easily accessible lists of reports? Is there a section with “fact sheets”? Are there particular sections of the page that may be of particular interest? (Please consider providing hyperlinks directly to the most helpful aspects of the site.)
• A list of 4-8 “Key Words” Please identify 4-8 key words or phrases that sum up your resource. Ideally, these should be words or phrases that you do not use elsewhere in your description. The idea is that if one of your classmates does a “search” of the class Index for one of these phrases, your entry will come up. • Put your name at the bottom of your entry so your classmates can identify who made the entry.