In your organization, what format is the most current code of ethics/conduct in? How does the format meet the needs of employees who are searching for information?
○ Around what is your organization’s code of ethics/conduct centered? Provide the text of this item.
○ In what way(s) is your organization’s code of ethics/conduct a practical guide for employees?
○ What audience is your organization’s code of ethics/conduct directed to?
○ In what ways, if any, does your organization’s code of ethics/conduct support day-to-day decision making?
○ How are the universal core ethical values of honesty, integrity, loyalty, responsibility, fairness, and citizenship represented in your organization’s code of ethics/conduct? If one or more are not represented, how might they be?
○ What information would you like to see in your organization’s code of ethics/conduct? Why?
The paper should be a maximum of 3 pages, 12 point font, double spaced. Use APA intext citations and reference list.