Throughout history, many trends, advancements, and diseases have impacted human longevity. For instance, the Plague, also known as the Black Death, led to a drastic decline in longevity during the latter part of the Middle Ages. Conversely, Louis Pasteur’s discoveries and experiments in the mid-1800s led to the development of the germ theory of disease, which increased longevity. One of the key concerns for public health professionals is addressing the impacts on longevity and identifying strategies to promote better health equality across genders, social classes, and geographic regions.

In this Discussion, you identify a factor (a trend, advancement, or disease) that has impacted longevity in the United States since 1900. Then you analyze the disparities of the trend, advancement, or disease among different genders, social classes, and geographic regions. Also, you provide recommendations for addressing those disparities.

To prepare for this Discussion,

  • Examine the indicated pages of the articles, “Vital      Statistics Rates in the United States 1900–1940” and “Deaths: Final Data      for 2007,” listed in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review Chapter 1 in the course text, focusing on the      different factors that have changed public health and longevity over time.
  • Review this week’s media, which addresses the history      of various diseases, national health over time, and determinants of      health. Consider how socioeconomic status, gender, and geographic factors      affect longevity.
  • Select a trend, advancement, or disease that has, in      some way, impacted longevity in the United States since 1900.

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