Write a 3-page-report in which you analyze the relationships within a health care system that are necessary to achieve an organizational goal, explain how the health care system can serve as the framework for problem solving, and explain ethical questions associated with this specific situation:

The CEO of your health care organization is working with the CFO to enhance and expand the skilled nursing facility’s quality management team. You must identify the partners who would be essential in this expansion.

Analyze the relationships within a health care system that are necessary to achieve an organizational goal.

  • Identify the partnerships you will need to complete your task.
  • Explain why you chose the partnerships you identified. What will each contribute to your task?
  • Explain how the health care system itself serves as the framework for problem solving.
  • Explain any ethical questions related to your task that could arise.

Project Must include:

Title page.

References page.

APA-formatted references

3-4 pages in addition to the title page and references page.

At least 4 supporting resources.

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