• Identify the case you will analyze. You can choose from Case 27 in your textbook
or choose from the list included below.
• Read “An Introduction to Analyzing a Case Study and Writing a Case Study
Analysis” in your textbook, part 5.
• Write a comprehensive case analysis. Your case analysis should cover the
o The context of the decision-making processes, including, for example: the
goals, activities, history or culture of the organization; the complexity and
special features of the task or problem; the major stakeholders of the
o The main phases or activities of the decision-making process, including,
for example: the background leading up to the problem situation; problem
recognition; development and evaluation of alternatives; selection of
alternatives; outcome of the decision. Where possible, analyze the
information seeking and information use behaviors in the decision-making
o Analyze your case using one or more of the models introduced this week.
You may also introduce other theoretical perspectives/cases to enrich
your analysis. Show how these models/perspectives provide insight into
your case.
o Assess the overall quality of the decision-making process. Identify its
strengths and limitations. Suggest ways of improving the process.