1. Identify one real-life cybersecurity breach that may have occurred in the last 2 years. Using the vulnerability-threat-control paradigm, evaluate the breach.[20 Marks]
    • Tip:You may use any one breach from the followinglink.
  2. Symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms. Explain the two schemes and briefly discuss a use case for each technique within your own computing environment or organisation. Further analyse one practical scenario where both techniques are combined to create synergy. [20 Marks]

Task 2 : Short Answer Questions (20 Marks)

  1. Hacktivists and nation state actors are two well-known threat actors. Compare and contrast these two threat actors on any 2 aspects. [10 Marks]
  2. Analyse the difference between cross site scripting (XSS) attack and cross site request forgery (XSRF). [10 Marks]

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