Mrs. Hillman is a 28-year-old divorced woman who is a single parent. She has two children, a 2-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl. She currently does not have a job. She smokes one pack of cigarettes per day. The father of the children has limited involvement in the care of the children and gives her money when he can. Her mother lives 500 miles away, but her sister lives close by. She occasionally stops by to help with the children. Mrs. Hillman regularly takes the children to the local health clinic for care but she has not seen a health care provider since the delivery of her last child. She is experiencing a persistent cough and fatigue.


·         Identify internal and external variables that are impacting Mrs. Hillman’s ability to care for herself.

·         What primary intervention activities are important for Mrs. Hillman and her family?

·         Using the transtheoretical model of change, which question could you ask Mrs. Hillman to determine how to target smoking cessation?

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