Choose a 4-week unit of study for a specific Common Core or state standard or your grade level or content area. Write a brief summary of your selection to provide context.
Identify at least three essential elements of the Common Core or state standard for the unit. Deconstruct the standard to reveal three specific learning targets.
Create a pre-assessment and evaluation instrument that measures student proficiency on objectives targeted, such as a criterion-based rubric with a proficiency scale or an answer key, and explain the purpose of the pre-assessment for the unit.
Create a single formative, interim assessment that is composed of 10 selected items (binary choice, multiple choice, and matching) and three constructed response items based on the unit content, learning targets, and length of the instructional unit. Include the answer key for selected response items. Describe how the interim, formative assessment would assist in planning instruction.
Create a summative performance-based assessment. For performance-based assessments, and portfolio assessments, you must create and include the evaluation instrument that measures student proficiency on objectives taught, such as a criterion-based rubric with a proficiency scale