Order instructions 

If you were CEO what would you change and why – provide your recommendation with a Before and After Organizational chart. – If you are not working at this time – use a past employer..


  1. Identify a Vision Statement and Mission Statement (5 marks)


  1. Describe the corporate structure (Vertical/horizontal specialization, departmentalization Organigram) (5 marks)


  1. Identify an area of planned change in the organization (using Engine of Change) (10 marks)


  1. Describe your corporate culture (using Schein’s 3 levels) and leadership style (10 marks)


  1. What are the visible and invisible control systems. (5 marks)


  1. Describe the types of resistance you would encounter (10 marks)


  1. Identify an area of conflict and explain how to resolve it(specify which style you would use and why) (10 marks)


  1. Select your strategy (use Force Field Analysis model) (10 marks)


  1. Identify thekey stakeholders and your methods to influence them in your decisions(using your feedback loop) (5 marks)


  1. How has your organization affected due to Information Technology and what positive & negative changes has been occurred. (5 marks)

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