a. Differentiate between programming and software engineering. (2 Marks)
b. Use a diagram to describe any two tools used to manage project scope. (4 Marks)
c. Give an example of the most appropriate programming language for the following tasks.
(4 Marks)
i. Deploying a web server
ii. Develop a simple web site
iii. Develop interaction website
iv. Develop MIS interface
d. Identify any two models that can be used by the analyst to understand requirements specifications.
(2 Marks)
e. An organization would want to implement a system that will be used among different departments.
Explain two issues to be considered when developing a program to be deployed across the
organization network. (4 Marks)
f. Identify three functions of an operating system when executing a program. (3 Marks)
g. Distinguish structured design and object oriented design giving at least two tools used in each type
of design. (4 Marks)
h. Describe any three ways of estimating the effort required to develop a system. (3 Marks)
i. Briefly explain the meaning of the following as used in Java programming. (4 Mark)
i. Byte code
ii. Java virtual machine




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