Case Study (1,500 words)

Students are required to analyse a particular social policy document of their choice. The case study requires three component parts:

1. Provide a brief background summary of the policy area

2. Identify and discuss the key themes developed within the policy document

3. Identify and discuss the language and kinds of metaphor in your chosen policy document

Below are some ideas to guide you with your case study:

· Identify a particular policy document you wish to focus on. Remember that not all policy documents

are called a ‘policy’, they may be a ‘strategy’ or “action plan’ or a ‘position statement’, or something


· Think about whether your choice can be considered ‘social policy’ – does it address ‘well-being’? Does

it seek to address specific social challenges? Return to some of the earlier course material to guide you

if you need to.

· Ensure you provide a brief summary of the background for the policy to provide some context to your

written discussion.

· “Discuss the key themes”: give a description of some of the key content and ideas that are in the


· Use literature to help you think about and discuss the way language is used in the document. Use

literature from the course material and from further afield. This discussion of the way language is used is a key part of this assignment – use some clear examples from the text of the document to illustrate your discussion.

· This is a case study, so the idea is to give you an opportunity to focus closely on an example of social policy development, with a particularly close look at the way language is used. It is a descriptive, analytical, structured study, so use some headings to structure your work.

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